Making anonymous prank calls got a little difficult for a while there in the early 2000's. Not anymore though! Between Skype and PrankDialer there are very few people that you can't prank call anymore without having to worry about them finding you. This video will show you how to use Prank Dialer to make prerecorded prank calls to whomever you want for free. Good times.
Blog Your Office and PA has compiled a list of ten telephone crank calls that range from giggle inducing to slightly uncomfortable to uh, somewhat... depressing.
This video tutorial will show you how to make a crank call without a cell phone or a land line rotary... all you need is the Internet... the glorious Internet, and a little known website called Youcan't make any kind of prank call you like, you can even Rick Roll somebody with "Never Gonna Give You Up." After you dial and send the crank call, all that's left is to laugh.
Have you always wanted to make a prank call but never had the guts to do it? Well, now you can because there's the Internet. In order to make a cool prank call without getting caught, first you have to choose a voice. The best one to choose is Arnold Schwarzenegger. To get his voice, go to Google and search for Arnold soundboard.
Call any number you like and have any number show up on that person's caller ID. You can call from any phone in the World! Great for calling someone who does not want to answer the phone, checking up on your boyfriend or girlfriend, or just having fun with practical jokes. Learn how to change your phone number on caller ID to prank call your friends by watching this video tutorial.
This video gives you a creative solution for handling those annoying telemarketers by giving them a taste of their own medicine. You don't even have to be mean!
This video demonstrates a very simple way to broadcast your voice on the same frequencies that a drive-thru restaurant uses, enabling you to mess with the customers and employees. This hack will work on just about any fast food drive thru.